jeudi 1 mai 2008

Chaland and Champaka

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image copyright Chaland

Champaka celebrates Yves Chaland at the end of September!

The combination of modernity with classicism has fascinated Champaka for a quarter of a century. Yves Chaland, the late lamented creator of “Bob Fish”, “Freddy Lombard” and “Le Jeune Albert” remains a key editorial reference point for Champaka, a status amply demonstrated by publications such as “Les Inachevés”, “Chaland”, “Les Années Métal” and “Chaland et les publicitaires”, among others. September 2008 is set to mark another special occasion, when Champaka again takes the opportunity to showcase Chaland’s exceptional talents with the publication of “Chaland – Portrait de l’Artiste” and “Spirou et Fantasio: Coeurs d’acier.”

“Chaland – Portrait de l’Artiste” is conceived in a “graphic novel” black-and-white format over 120 pages. Incorporating bande dessinée, illustrations, interviews and photographs, it will present a series of testimonials from fellow-artist friends, publishers and editors, as well as from family members, school-friends and authors who, while they may not have known Chaland personally, consider themselves to be in his debt. The featured authors will include Ted Benoit, Floc’h, Mattotti, Serge Clerc, Götting, Bravo, Yslaire, Schuiten, Juillard, Loustal, Jannin, Dionnet, Swarte and Cosey, among others. From the individual brushstrokes of these personal accounts will emerge the broader portrait of the artist who was known to delight in blurring distinctions.

To mark 70 years of Spirou, Champaka publishes the definitive edition of “Coeurs d’acier.” In terms of graphical lineage, Chaland’s “Spirou et Fantasio” occupies the middle ground between those of Jijé and Franquin. “Coeurs d’acier” was the last work to be published during the lifetime of the author of “Freddy Lombard” (Chaland died in 1990). 1,350 signed and numbered copies were published, and they sold out rapidly; copies are currently valued at over 300 Euro. The 1991 edition was composed of two volumes, the first incorporating dichromic strips and the second including text by Yann and illustrations by Chaland. The new edition will bring together in one volume all the riches of the preceding two, with the significant added attractions of a larger format and, especially, a full quadrichromic reproduction graced by Isabelle Beaumenay-Joannet’s new colour treatment.

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